ESS Department -Apr 19th, 2021

On Friday, April 2, at 1:00 pm, the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee facilitated a discussion on ESS Undergraduate Student Opportunities. The above video is a zoom recording of the event. Below are additional files associated with this event. The purpose of the Undergraduate Opportunity Panel Discussion was to, (1) raise awareness of the extracurricular opportunities available to ESS undergraduate students, (2) recognize the unspoken culture that leads to barriers and accessibility gaps to these opportunities, and (3) draft potential practices that would remove the barriers and make our ESS undergraduate opportunities more equitable. As such, our target audience was divided into two groups. One group was our undergraduate student population and the second group was anyone who may serve as a mentor.

Additional Resources

In addition to the full closed-caption Zoom recording above, we have also compiled other files that may be of interest. Those files include: